Seedless in RI


Last year’s harvest. Awesome.

How many of you are starting vegetables and flowers from seed this year? For years I enjoyed choosing my seeds from all those great catalogs, making lists, planning where to grow things, getting my seed starting equipment ready, soaking the seeds if necessary, and finally planting them in their little starter cells.

But that was only the beginning. Timing the seeds was tough. Usually I started them too early and they grew leggy. Then there’s the process of hardening off. Bring the trays out, bring them back in. Every day. For a week. Is the sun too strong? Is it windy? When will the soil be warm enough to plant them in the garden?

After all this effort, I had to admit that despite all the TLC,  my seedlings were just not as robust as the plants at the nursery. So last year, I simply bought my peppers, eggplants and tomatoes there. I also restrained myself from buying too many. We have a great nursery in our area that sells organic plants and offers a wide selection. I do stay away from the big box stores.

Last year I had my best harvest ever, without the hassle of seed starting. I still bought tithonia seeds and a few other flowers that I could direct sow. And pole beans and snap peas. I direct sowed those, too.

Call me a sell-out, but working full time, it’s the best I can do, and I love the results.

About dirtynailz

Writer for a daily newspaper, gardener, tree hugger, orchid-grower, photographer, animal lover, hiker, wilderness seeker. Proponent of clover in the lawn and a dog on the bed.
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8 Responses to Seedless in RI

  1. CJ Wright says:

    Sell out? No way!! Working full time isn’t an excuse, dn. It’s life. I bet you’ll have yet another bumper crop and I can’t wait to see your pics.


  2. auntie beak says:

    i’m with you, mostly, dn… but i can’t forego my beloved heirloom tomatoes. so i’m starting… just a couple of plants, honest. just a few tomatoes. couple peppers. some eggplant. BUT THAT’S IT!


  3. I have never started anything in the garden from seed. It just seems to much easier to pick up plants at the garden center and go from there. I do admire people that grow their veggies from seeds, but it’s just not for me!


    • dirtynailz says:

      I guess if you have tons of free time it’s interesting and challenging to start seeds. But now that I have experienced just buying plants already started, I think I’m hooked.


  4. Kathy says:

    Every year I’d get the urge to start plants from seed, and every year I’d do so only to end up turning the air blue when it was time find bigger pots, purchase soil and make a mess transplanting. I now resolve to grow only a few of the unusual flowers under lights that I can’t get at local nurseries, but like you, I try to make a list (so I don’t overbuy!) and head to the local nurseries. I still save seeds from certain plants like Scarlet Runners and Pink Ladies and seed them directly to the garden when the time is right.


    • dirtynailz says:

      I save my scarlet runners and my “Cherokee Trail of Tears” beans every year. Love those heirlooms!
      You’re right: overbuying is an ever-present danger.


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