Spring splurges


When spring finally arrives, some people feel the urge to buy new spring wardrobes or remodel their homes. My thoughts turn to one thing and one thing only: soil. The way I see it, spending time and money to have the best possible soil will make everything grow better, so you don’t have to get all finicky with the plants.

That’s splurge number one. Splurge number two was getting someone else to put it where it needed to be. When you’re “of a certain age” and you’ve had major surgery a few years back, you probably shouldn’t be doing that much heavy lifting.

So not only did I go wild and buy a few yards of the best compost I could find, I asked the guy who makes it to schlep it onto my beds and rake it in. This is the same nice young man who cuts our lawn. He composts chemical-free clippings and other stuff. The compost he delivered was five years old, and it will have time to settle even more because I won’t be putting anything in the beds until Memorial Day.


Here’s the load for the front bed, awaiting delivery.  I thought I’d give this side the same love the back beds got last year. This is a work in progress and I’ll be adding plants over the summer. They’ll now have an even nicer place to grow.

About dirtynailz

Writer for a daily newspaper, gardener, tree hugger, orchid-grower, photographer, animal lover, hiker, wilderness seeker. Proponent of clover in the lawn and a dog on the bed.
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6 Responses to Spring splurges

  1. Anubis Bard says:

    Hmmmm. I’ve been tempted to get some loam. I’m trying out some “hugelkultur”, but haven’t covered up the pile of logs yet, because it’s a lot of shovel and wheelbarrow work.


  2. “of a certain age”…hahaha… I’m getting there one birthday at a time 🙂

    Good stuff! This is the type of splurging I like. Our weather is not at its best yet, but as soon as it stabilizes, we’ll be ordering some soil for our garden, too.


    • dirtynailz says:

      It amazes me how people put down landscape fabric and then a layer of mulch. Where’s the soil for the plants to grow in???????


  3. CJ Wright says:

    You do love your babies, dn, and treat them with such great care. Does he deliver this far south?


    • dirtynailz says:

      For a price, he probably would. I won’t be planting anything except snap peas until the end of May. It’s still way too cold here by the water.


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