Supermarket porn

IMG_8265I was in the check out line at a Shaw’s supermarket recently, and this is what I saw in the magazine rack – low down. At children’s eye level.

I politely told the woman working at the cash that I found this cover offensive, particularly since it was so visible to kids. She responded by asking me whether I wanted my chicken wrapped in plastic before she put it in my shopping bag.

There are so many things I find offensive about this Sports Illustrated cover that I can’t even list them all. The most obvious is, if this had been Playboy, it would never have been in the rack in the first place. But somehow this is acceptable because the word “sports” is in the magazine title. And someone at my supermarket thought it was just fine to put it there.

(And doesn’t the woman appear deformed, like a doll with a giant bobbing head?)

I tweeted the photo and a follower commented that if a woman in the check- out line had exposed her breast while feeding her baby, there would have been outrage, but this soft core porn is somehow okay. And porn is what it is. And little kids can see it, right there, next to the candy.

About dirtynailz

Writer for a daily newspaper, gardener, tree hugger, orchid-grower, photographer, animal lover, hiker, wilderness seeker. Proponent of clover in the lawn and a dog on the bed.
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4 Responses to Supermarket porn

  1. CJ Wright says:

    She does look deformed. Seems like parents would be complaining, too.


  2. lesleymclaughlin says:

    Am I a poor sport if I pile on?
    Maybe contact the district or regional management? SI may be paying for that very spot in the checkout. Or not.


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