Early winter


Just back from a few days in my old home, Quebec Canada. My sister and I did a four-hour hike on Mt. Rigaud, west of Montreal. It wasn’t snowy yet but it was “gloves weather.”

IMG_3010We stopped here, on mossy rocks, for a snack. It was a bit of a climb, just enough to get your heart cranking.

IMG_2986 This pond was frozen, but not hard enough to walk on.

IMG_2989We came across this cool boulder, a “glacial erratic” I assume.

IMG_2985The marshes were quiet, except for the ever-present chickadees, which are always welcome.

IMG_3030With the light beginning to fade, we found ourselves on a road with a long nasty climb and cars whizzing past. We ended up calling a taxi to get us back to where we’d parked the car, because we didn’t want to walk the road in the dark. Sometimes, you just gotta cut bait. Still an awesome hike, though.

About dirtynailz

Writer for a daily newspaper, gardener, tree hugger, orchid-grower, photographer, animal lover, hiker, wilderness seeker. Proponent of clover in the lawn and a dog on the bed.
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4 Responses to Early winter

  1. What a great way to spend time. I love hiking through areas like that. That boulder is amazing. Very fascinating!


  2. CJ Wright says:

    Good call on the cab, dn. I’m so glad you included a pic of the boulder. You have to wonder where these things came from.


    • dirtynailz says:

      It was such a relief to climb into that car. It took about 10 minutes to drive back to where we had parked, so it was the smart thing to do.


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