Looking at the bright side



I do love winter, and spend as much of it as I can outdoors. This photo was taken while we were hiking the Francis Carter Preserve. The snow was packed down, so we didn’t need snowshoes. It was an uplifting couple of hours.

It has been a wearing few weeks for us here in RI, and even more so in neighboring MA. Storm after storm, with strong winds, snow, frigid temperatures and constant cancellations. This post will focus on the bright side, my attempt to remain positive.

IMG_3895Another shot taken at Francis Carter. The stone walls are gorgeous.

IMG_3832_2And the downhill skiing – well this says it all. Some of those tracks are mine.


In recent years, the west has had all the snow, while we scraped by here in the east. Not so this year. The tables have turned.

IMG_3893Happy Valentine’s Day, everybody.

About dirtynailz

Writer for a daily newspaper, gardener, tree hugger, orchid-grower, photographer, animal lover, hiker, wilderness seeker. Proponent of clover in the lawn and a dog on the bed.
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9 Responses to Looking at the bright side

  1. Kathy says:

    Happy Valentine’s Day, Cynthia! Stay warm!


  2. gardenpest says:

    Hi DN
    Thanks for the reminder of how liberating it is to enjoy weather in most of its forms – esp. winter here. I am thrilled by snow, reminds me of my younger days of snow forts, walking in the dark up to our skating pond, a blazing fire under the Pine trees.

    Have you noticed how stunning our moons have been since late January? Wow, when we turn off the lights, the outdoors is aglow. Plus, our solar tube/light fixture glows at night and moonlight streams into our bathroom – a natural night light.

    I admit to missing cross country skiing but that is my fault – I keep forgetting that my original boots are a size smaller than my current size b/c of orthotics.


    • dirtynailz says:

      The only way to survive it is to get out and enjoy it, although as I look out at a blizzard today, I do not intend to enjoy that. It’s quite a challenge taking my little dog outside in this and expecting her to “perform.” She seems to get it, though, and doesn’t linger.
      The moon was so beautiful the other night that I took photos of it from my front yard. There’s definitely something special about a February moon.


  3. Anubis Bard says:

    Gorgeous day today as long as you didn’t face into the wind! One of our cats goes out into it and comes back in all wild. The other will have nothing whatsoever to do with it. I find the occasional gale refreshing. Today I broke out my father’s old beavertail snowshoes. Maybe I’ll try to go for a (brief) stroll in the back woods tomorrow!


  4. CJ Wright says:

    I’m late seeing the Valentine message from you and Fidget, but it sure is a nice one. Absolutely adorable. 🙂


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