De-stressing with color

IMG_5471I colored this. Not only is the end result quite pretty, the hours it took to complete it were pleasurable and very relaxing.

IMG_5463Before I left on vacation, I ordered this adult coloring book. I also ordered a slightly different one for my sister, who was coming with me. I bought colored gel pens, which would not leak through the paper to the design on the next page. Now, we are both totally hooked.

IMG_5477Each image is different, and I never have a plan for how my colors are going to work. I just start with one and keep going. The thing about this activity is that you can do it while you are having a conversation or watching TV. My sister and I spent every evening on the cabin’s screened porch, listening to the night sounds, talking and coloring.

IMG_5478I started telling my friends about my new hobby, and many of them told me they had just been reading about the pleasures and stress-relieving benefits of coloring. Unknown to me, coloring has become quite popular – trendy even. It seems adult coloring books are so hot these days that many of the best ones have sold out.

IMG_5481I find that once I get into a design, my brain free associates and I go into a sort of meditative state. Carl Jung, the early 20th-century psychologist, used coloring as a relaxation technique for his patients. Jung employed mandala-type designs similar to the ones in my coloring book.

IMG_5483I am often surprised at how different each design turns out. That’s part of the fun.

I am now dating each one when I complete it, so I can look back and remember where I was when I did it.

IMG_5475I do end up liking some better than others. This is one of my favorites.

IMG_5487Here’s a design waiting for color. It will be getting some later this afternoon. Drop me a line and let me know if you color, or if you’re thinking about taking it up. There are so many different coloring books available online – many with garden themes.

About dirtynailz

Writer for a daily newspaper, gardener, tree hugger, orchid-grower, photographer, animal lover, hiker, wilderness seeker. Proponent of clover in the lawn and a dog on the bed.
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3 Responses to De-stressing with color

  1. CJ Wright says:

    GORGEOUS!! I agree that they are totally relaxing even though you stay focused. How long did you spend on each of these?


  2. Cindy Tetreault says:

    You’re right, it is addictive! I had no idea how to “start”. I finally just started putting color on, and it is coming together. Thank you for opening my eyes to this pastime. I am disabled and needed something to do.


    • dirtynailz says:

      Yes! That happened to me, too. You just have to go for it. Somehow, it always turns out beautifully. I’d love to see one of your creations sometime. Don’t hesitate to email me at: and I will post it on the blog!
      (I have to keep reminding myself that there are no wrong color choices, really, because it’s MY project – not for school or for work.)


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