Announcing…Our New Website!

I’ll get straight to the point: here’s a link to our brand spanking new website, GardeningRI.

This has been a long time coming, and a labor of love for our Webmaster and occasional blog contributor, Elderberry, with input from myself (Dirtynailz), HerbDoc and Auntie Beak. It’s the culmination of years of gardening experience and extensive training as Master Gardeners. Yes, we do garden in Rhode Island, but the information applies to most of  the northeastern US, and much of it is universal.

Does the world need yet another gardening website? We think it does. We combed the Web for a site with advice only, and we didn’t find one for our region (although it’s always possible there’s one out there somewhere in cyberspace…who knows?). And that’s the point of our website: practical gardening information that’s straightforward, easy to find and easy to follow.

So if you need help choosing plants, starting a garden (veggie or ornamental) keeping your dog out of the flowers, composting, tree pruning, lawn care or anything else pertaining to gardens and even houseplants, you’ve come to the right place. We emphasize sustainable gardening practices and  proven techniques, and we hope you’ll bookmark us and return whenever you need help.

We’re so new that Google hasn’t listed us yet, so bookmark the above link. We’re also happy to  hear your comments on the site, so feel free to send your comments to this blog.

Now go and check it out…please!

About dirtynailz

Writer for a daily newspaper, gardener, tree hugger, orchid-grower, photographer, animal lover, hiker, wilderness seeker. Proponent of clover in the lawn and a dog on the bed.
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5 Responses to Announcing…Our New Website!

  1. cjwright says:

    Congrats on the launch of your new site. It looks great!!

    You mentioned help on pruning. I have some out-of-control camellias in my shade garden that I fear I’ll ruin if I prune them. But they definitely need intense attention. Any tips for pruning them? (Should I ask here or on the new site?)


  2. elderberry says:

    Prune your camellias after they bloom. Do this every couple of years and you can even do a renovation pruning if the shrub has become very scraggly and unattractive. Go to our new website ( and follow the directions for pruning shrubs in the “Pruning” section.


  3. cjwright says:

    Thanks, edlerberry. I’ll check the links. Mine are definitely scraggly and need renovating. I’m scared to make the cuts.


  4. Martha says:

    Congrats on your new website! It looks great. I’ve bookmarked it so I can go back and read all the great info that you’ve added there.


    • dirtynailz says:

      Thanks, Martha.
      Please let us know if you find any errors or things you’d like to see but don’t. Maybe we should have a section on gardening for ferrets!


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