
We didn’t get more than a dusting on the  coast, but in the interior, it was a different story. We hopped in the car and drove to Wachusett, MA to see how wintry things were. They got 20 inches! Here are a few shots from our little outing.

The lifts weren’t running but that didn’t stop people from digging out their skis and sleds and “earning their turns.”

These guys were psyched!

It was a bit strange to see all that snow next to the fall foliage, but hey is there any “normal” anymore?

I will leave you with some funny-looking snow-covered chairs. The snow almost looks like people sprawling, doesn’t it? Can’t wait to ski!

Snow people!

About dirtynailz

Writer for a daily newspaper, gardener, tree hugger, orchid-grower, photographer, animal lover, hiker, wilderness seeker. Proponent of clover in the lawn and a dog on the bed.
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6 Responses to Snow!

  1. cj wright says:

    Great photos! When do we get to see YOU?


  2. Wendy says:

    oh my gosh! 20 inches!! It snowed all day here the other day, but it didn’t stick. was summer that long ago?


    • dirtynailz says:

      It was only a couple of weeks ago – Columbus Day – that I blogged about how hot it was.

      That’s fall in New England, I guess.


  3. kunama says:

    I was also one of those people, skinning up to get some turns! Great early season conditions!


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